Friday, January 28, 2011

Yarn Bomb/Storm

Now, when I think guerrilla anything, or something being "bombed," this is not what I think of right away. Many of the people who do this stuff talk about it as if Yarn Bombing is a nice version of the more subversive types of guerrilla art out there (ex. also known as the nicer sounding Storming in places such as London, versus the dangerous Bombing.)

Check out more pics and links to other forms of yarn bombing, below:

Albequerque knows what's up: a blog from the Fibe Squad.

International fiber artists, Magda Sayeg.

Born in Poland, Olek now resides in NYC and makes some crazy stuff.

I like these cats general sense of humor, KnittaPlease.

Work from Olek

Work from 'burque

Never seen anything quite so progressive and fluffy, all at the same time.


  1. There are guerrilla knitters in Berkeley too! They knit sweaters for everything.

  2. hahahaha, no way! that stuff is crazy
