Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Near Future

I have been fairly absent from the online presence of guerrilla, especially when it comes to this blog. Obviously I have still been dancing all over (including in Michigan. a first that happened over Christmas time, with my sister Kathryn) no worries about this. In my stead from blog writing, I have been working on something else.

I am starting work on creation of a sort of hub-like web presence for gdance. You may already know this in the skeleton-like form of our FB, Twitter, Blogger, and Dance in Columbus page. I am going to work to interconnect these parts to a greater extent, which will form to become a web-place that contains a wealth of information for all things guerrilla, and to facilitate information/guerrilla meeting-ups between individuals.

I have begun creating the meat for this skeleton, most recently in the form of short little videocast blurbs. Those which I have created so far showcase how I and others experience gdance, as well as the exploration of ideas that have come up in my mind/discussions with others in relation to dancin' around town. Feel free to peruse this vast library:

Roofin' it -

Tide Collage-


Mango Troubles-

I will continue posting these little films on a weekly/bi-weekly basis. You can also find these videos, and keep up to date with weekly postings of "official" guerrilla times (an oxymoron?) on our FB group page. Also, don't forget our Twitter page as a great/quick way to keep up with all things guerrilla.

Keep an eye out for all future happenings, and if you miss a couple of such events don't worry, a continuous flow will be the name of the game.

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